Hello and welcome to your camp trip page for Wyldlife Summer Camp 2025 (CGB)!
Below you will see some paragraph text boxes in RED like this one. We've added these to your page to guide and inform you!
Please take the time to read through these helpful notes before deleting them!
Use the PREVIEW button in the top right corner to view your page. Please see the Learning Guide for step-by-step instructions and contact Camping Support for any technical issues.
Form Fields: Below are some form fields that will help synchronize registration data into YL Connect.
Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required for registrants to fill out. Certain fields are locked to make ensure registrant information is brought over to your YL Connect Camp trip correctly and cannot be removed. However, the fields phone, email, and address can be removed if they are not helpful in your registration process. ***Keeping these fields will increase the likelihood of matching to an existing contact in YL Connect.
Email Notifications: Before publishing your registration page, be sure to use the "Emails" tab to change the "Reply to" addresses for the Confirmation and Final Payment emails to one for your local area or for the trip leader. You can also update the automated confirmation email that will send to your registrants in this tab.